CEO of Google Inc Sundar Pichai

The CEO of Google Inc is Pichai Sundararajan. He is popularly known as Sundar Pichai. Sundar Pichai was born on 12 July 1972 at Madurai in Tamil Nadu, India. He is an Indian-American Business Executive.

Sundar Pichai achieved an MS from Stanford University and MBA from the Wharton School of the University.

He is named as a Siebel Scholar and a Palmer Scholar.

Sundar Pichai joined Google in the year 2004. Formerly, he was the Product Chief of Google and he enrolled in the Chief Executive Officer position on October 2, 2015.

Born: 12 July 1972
Parents: Regunatha Pichai and Lakshmi Pichai
Spouse: Anjali Pichai

CEO of Google Inc Sundar Pichai


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