4 Vedas in Sanskrit

Vedas are the holiest books of the Hindu religion with a large collection of hymns as well as knowledge that originated and composed in India. Vedas are of very ancient in origin. There are four types of Vedas. They are:

Rigveda - The oldest among four Vedas with a collection of about 1,028 Vedic Sanskrit hymns. Rigveda is the knowledge of hymns of Praise used for recitation.

Samaveda - The Veda of melodies and chants. Samaveda is the knowledge of Melodies used for chanting.

Yajurveda - The Veda of prose mantras. Yajurveda is the knowledge of sacrificial formulas used while performing rituals.

Atharvaveda – The Veda of magical formulas.

4 Vedas in Sanskrit


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